Thursday, November 29, 2012

Blanket Project: Week 12

I forgot to edit and post a picture of the socks last week. Here they are, Steve's DNA socks. Aren't they fantastic?

Seven squares made this week:

69/776, instead of 84

I am nearly through the cuff of Mandi's socks:

When the Nerd Wars challenges come out on December 1, I plan to cast on socks in at least one of these yarns:

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Blanket Project - Week 11

I'm a day early because I don't know how much computer time I will have tomorrow.

More squares were made this week!

I also finished Steve's socks, but since they are Thanksgiving socks, I am not going to let him wear them until tomorrow. I will edit to add a picture tomorrow night, or Friday.

I've only done a few rounds on Mandi's sock... there is barely any visible difference.

62/776, instead of 77

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sewing Tuesday: A Preview

Today I pulled out fabric for pajamas for my sister's kids for Christmas. I didn't sew anything, but I did plan the nightgown.

The purple, pink and bright aqua is for my niece. The blue flannels are for the boys.

I didn't start because I realized I need the boys' measurements... /fail

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Blanket Project- Week 10

I finished those projects that were keeping me from working on my blanket, and (surprise!) worked on the blanket! There are seven new squares this week (big squares count as four). It has been a while since I pulled out the sock yarn stash basket, because I didn't work on the blanket for a while, and then when I did work on it I had new sock yarn to contribute. This coming week, I will finish a pair of socks, but that will only cover 1 square of the seven. I am not planning to make big squares for a couple weeks. Due to that decision, I pulled out the basket this morning to look at what I have.

My collection is pretty similar to what I started with, though I have less small scraps. I have a friend who is making a sock yarn blanket too, and I gave her the indigo because I have a bunch that I am using for another project, and will probably have leftovers, and pulled the purple spice because there was enough to make another pair of socks. Of course, there is new yarn because I have finished many pairs of socks in the last 2.5 months. Armed with this yarn and the blanket, I pulled out a chart I started in my journal at the beginning of the project and decided yarn placement. 

What? Some people don't completely geek out over the prospect of planning out a project? Are you sure?
Looking at my leftovers, I wish there were brighter colors. Still, I am really excited to work on the blanket this week. I just have to remind myself to balance squares with other projects... Like Steve's DNA socks, or Mandi's thigh highs (that I CO last night).

55/776, instead of 70

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Proof of Love

Have you read The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman? I did. I think I read it when I was pregnant with Mara. I recommend reading it - past the religious overtones is a really good anthropological look at how people understand and express love. While reading it, I instantly recognized gifts as my sister's language, and acts of service as mine.

Yesterday, I got a package in the mail. I knew it was coming; my sister gave me a heads up on Saturday that she sent it. I spent a lot of time checking out the window to see if the postal worker was here yet. At 3:36pm he pulled in. I tried to wait patiently for the thud against my front door. Mara woke up as I was waiting. I scooped her up as the package was set against the door, and made my way down the stairs. I opened the door and found this:

So exciting! I took the box up to my room so I could open it in peace (read: without children on top of me). I opened it and found this:

I expected the circular needles and grey yarn, both to make a pair of thigh highs for my sister, and the purple to make a pair of arm warmers for her as well. The green, though... that was a surprise. I picked it up, and squished it. I set it in my lap, and looked for a note. No note. The following text convo ensued:

Me: Is the green for me?
Pooks: Green is just for you because I thought you'd like it.
Me: I love it! I opened the box and squeed.
Pooks: Yay! I don't know what you'll use it for, but I'm sure you can think of something.
Me: I can't find my arm warmers, so I think I will use the green for those. I was actually thinking about how much I miss my hand warmers this morning. The green is perfect!

Pooks frequently gets me gifts I didn't realize I wanted, but when I get them I am not sure how I lived without them.

Yesterday, I worked very hard to finish two projects so I could get to the projects for her. This morning, I started on her arm warmers. This afternoon, I finished them. Tomorrow I will post them. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saturday Seven: Weeks 11 & 12

Week 11: 
I took more stuff to Becka this week. She didn't have any pairs of jeans because hers were lost in the move, so I gave her two pair - one that I stopped wearing months ago because they were too big, and another that I do not like the coloring (they have bleached whiskers). Both have been in my closet since before Mara. (2 things) I also gave her a grey t-shirt that I found in storage, still in the packaging (1 thing).

Also from the storage room, I have a bag full of stuffed animals for donation. (4+ things)

This week: 7 things

Total: 131 things

Week 12:

We found Becka's jeans that she lost during the move, plus her mushroom beanie, so she took those home after we had dinner yesterday. (2 things)

When the donation truck came on Wednesday (in addition to garbage bag of stuffed animals, and the garbage bag of clothes) I set out a diaper box full of books. (1 thing) Next time they come around, I am pretty sure I will be setting out another two...

On Tuesday I donated a stack of handmade scarves to the charity at my library that distributes them to people in need for winter. They have been sitting in my closet since pre-Gabriel. That is a long time of wasted usefulness... (5 things)

This week: 7 things
Total:  138 things

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blanket Project: Week 9

This week, I didn't work on the blanket at all :( I have been really busy trying to finish a couple projects that have to be in the mail by the 15th. The first project is done, and the second was almost done, but then... I realized it was going to be waaaay to big. I frogged it this morning. I am trying to convince myself to CO again, but... my convincing isn't working so well.

Instead, I've been working on socks:

The pair on the right is for my mom. I really love that the stripes don't match, but I'm kinda worried she won't love them. They are ribbed, and the ribbed pattern says "mom" in morse code. I am about an inch shy of the heel. I might do an afterthought heel, but I'm not sure. I will look up a few heels this afternoon.

The pair on the left is for Steve. they are going to have a DNA cable pattern on the front. The yarn reminds me of Thanksgiving dinner. Working on it makes me want a slice of pumpkin pie, and a piece of pecan pie.

I really miss my blanket, though. I think I might do a square or two tonight.

42/776, instead of 63

Monday, November 5, 2012

NaNoWriMo Update

NaNo is stealing my ability to put words elsewhere on the web. I am waaaaaay behind my goal word count there, but it still manages to steal all my attention from the blog.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Blanket Project: Week 8

Wow. Two and a half weeks with no blanket progress, then this morning I sat down and did six squares, and started a seventh. Which technically makes me behind on the project. I forsee a distinct lack of blanket knitting in my immediate future because of holiday crafting. I plan to still work on it, but I probably won't get back to one square a day for a little while. That is okay, though - I will probably knock out a bunch of the squares in January, since that is a break month for Nerd Wars and I probably won't start holiday crafting that early.

This week, I started a pair of socks for my mom using this yarn:
The yarn is self striping, but I didn't match up the stripes. I received the yarn last holiday, and the dye lots don't match. I'm sure if my mom decides she hates them because they don't match, my sister will be happy to take them off her hands.

Speaking of my sister, she might be commissioning me to make a pair (or several) of thigh high socks for her. How awesome would that be?

Now back to the blanket. Here is the progress I did make:

42/776, instead of 56

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Taking the writing plunge

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a writer when I grow up. I wrote my first story when I was five, with the help of my grandma. It wasn't a picture story; it was a word story about a leaf that was blown away to Australia. It came out to one single spaced page of my grandma's small, neat cursive.

When I was in elementary school, story writing was a part of every day work. I have my second grade writing journal that has a bunch of five sentence "stories". In middle school, story writing became less prevalent as analytical writing became more important. Instead of writing stories for class, I wrote them for myself. I recall starting a novel one summer. At least, I thought it was going to be a novel. After 20 pages or so, I lost the notebook I was writing in and promptly forgot my mission.

In high school, I turned to journaling instead of story writing. I wrote a handful of short stories for classes, but  rarely just because. My life was story enough to fill seven notebooks of various sizes, written mostly in very small print. My boyfriend and I traded short stories of our alter-egos in 10th and 11th grade, and I wrote a short story for my sex god* when I was in 12th grade. I still wanted to write stories when I grew up, but figured my journals would be good source material (I was right).

In college, I balanced out my journaling and story writing by journaling while I was in lectures, and writing stories while other people were studying. Don't worry, I graduated with a 3.58. Writing was a much more important use of my time than studying for classes I didn't like. (English 421, I'm looking at you. Seriously, how are you going to tell me that Shakespeare's writing was meant to be literature, not dramatic writing?) I wrote mostly short stories, but I started a novel the summer between my third and fourth years. I wrote (with a pen on paper) every night for at least 20 minutes, sometimes up to an hour. Then senior year started, and I was taking 17 credit hours and working two shows. My notebook was set aside for everything else. Second semester was less brutal credit wise, but I commuted two hours to school Tuesday mornings and from school Thursday afternoons and worked the overnight stock shift at Kroger Thursday through Monday. And I was pregnant with Gabriel. Plus I designed the set for a show. I was too busy to keep up with journaling, never mind story writing. I would right a page or two every now and again, but nothing regular.

I didn't pick up the novel again until I was pregnant with Mara. When I moved to Kentucky, one of the few things I brought during the initial move was the novel. I made sure to write a page every night, and finally it was done. Two years later, though, and it is not typed up. I have started typing it, but I feel like something is holding me back. I think I am just terrified that people will read the story, if it is written. I know that is silly; isn't the point of writing a novel so that other people can read it? I am just nervous that something that I put so much of myself into will not be well received.

What does this have to do with anything? In a couple of hours, National Novel Writing Month will begin. The idea is to write a novel, 50,000 words, during the month of November. The novel should be a new work, and should be typed so that you can submit your document for a word count. You can read more about it at

If you decide to join, my handle is BunniPhish (surprise!) - feel free to add me as a writing buddy. My plan is to write the sequel to the first novel. The characters have been trying to talk me into it since I set down my pen for the first novel. I've written a few notes, but most of the information is in my head. I am hoping this challenge gives me the kick I need to get this part of their story down. And maybe, just maybe, if I have the second story all typed up, I will feel motivated to type the first story.

I'll let you know how it ends up in 30 days.

*That person in high school who you fantasize about, but never actually get.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

This is why sewing can't happen

I pulled down my sewing machine today with the intention of getting a lot of sewing done. I had a few things to mend - I started by reattaching a collar to one of Mara's shirts that she just outgrew. I looked at the pair of my shorts that needed to be fixed, but decided I was too lazy to fill a bobbin with black thread, so I pulled down Steve's quilt.

I pinned the blocks to the sashing, and started sewing. Then came the "help". Mara noticed I was sewing first. She climbed up on the chair with me. Not content to sit in my lap, she instead climbed behind me and pushed me forward so she could stand and look over my shoulder. Gabriel noticed I was sewing and wanted to be in charge of the foot pedal. He couldn't reach, so we compromised; he sat in a chair next to mine and pushed down my foot with his.

As you can imagine, this made the whole experience very... enjoyable.

This is what happens every time I sit at my sewing machine.

While I enjoy teaching my kids how to do things, sometimes I just want to do them. Without having to stop every few seconds to explain.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saturday Seven - Week 10

No photo this week, but I still managed to wrangle some things:

- 3 bottles of lotion for Mandi (some of which I am almost positive came from her in the first place) (3 things)
-an entire box of paper to be recycled. In my quest to clean out the storage room, I have come to terms with the fact that I don't need every piece of paper from ever. Included in the "to recycle" box: holiday cards that didn't contain personal messages, magazine articles that are no longer relevant, notes and handouts from college classes, and the pages from a notebook I had second semester of my freshman year of high school. I suspect there will be more such things coming out of the storage room as I continue cleaning it.  (1 thing)
- A basket of Becka's things that I took to her place yesterday. Included were tax papers from ever ago, recent mail, a slipper she left here after the most recent Michigan trip, a stuffed pikachu I found in the storage room, and all the white socks I had, because I found half a pack in storage and I hate matching miscellaneous white socks. (3 things)
- A random knife set that is in the donation bag now (1 thing)

This week: 8 things
Total: 124 things

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday 7 - Weeks 8 & 9

I took some time away from the computer the past week-ish to work on a massive charity project. Now I am back to fill in your day with words and pictures.

Week 8

A blue tank top, a black t-shirt, and a Chewbacca toy into the donation bag, and a bottle of lotion into the "to Michigan" box for Amanda. (4 things)

Also, I put six books in a box for Mandi's Christmas present. I try to do this every year - hand her a box of books I don't want anymore. She reads much faster than I do, so she needs books more than I do. (6 things)

This week: 10 things

Week 9
I started cleaning out my storage room.  Believe me when I say it was gross and embarrassing. Frankly, it is still a gross and embarrassing. I am hoping that spending 20 minutes a day working on it will make it much less so. My storage room has boxes that haven't been gone through since I graduated college, and possibly boxes from when I moved out of my mom's house to go to college... These boxes have gone from move to move without ever being opened. I am sure some boxes will have things I will be really excited to see again, but I anticipate a lot of "why do I have this?".

Having spent about two hours total cleaning it, I have already accumulated a large amount of stuff to get rid of this week.

First to go:

A small stack of magazines I found at the bottom of a box. 6 magazines from 2003. Why did I have these magazines? Because at one point I thought I would use them for paper crafting. The thing is, I don't do a lot of paper crafting. I like the idea of paper crafting, but the reality is that it takes away from reading and fiber crafting. A single magazine would be enough supply to get me through several years of paper crafting at the rate I am going. So, even though it was strangely difficult, I took the magazines to recycling Tuesday morning (along with our regular box of junk mail, etc). (1 thing)

A hat from middle school that I may have worn once, but I don't think so. It never really fit. Two stuffed animals - the pink dog is from college, no idea about the other. 4 tank tops and a dress that someone gave me and I never wore, a purple button down that I am unsure the origin of, a long sleeve blue shirt that I stole from my mom's closet in middle school and wore a lot - until I got to high school. All into the donation bag.(10 things)

A bottle scrubber that I got when Gabriel was born, that I promptly lost after he stopped using bottles. It is now in the Michigan box for Katie. (1 thing)

Two bottles of lotion in the Michigan box for Mandi. Two tank tops, an over-shirt, a hat, and a pair of capris that have indeterminate origin, and a bra Becka wore for a month before she outgrew it. (8 things)

(Just so you know, I did find a treasure in the storage room - my hanger of belts and ties! I have been looking for this for the past few years.)

This week: 20 things
Total: 116 things

Friday, October 19, 2012

Book Review: "Seven" by Jen Hatmaker

You know how sometimes the universe tells you it is time to embrace a concept? Well, shortly after I read the Seven Things blog, Steve's aunt Kim posted something on her facebook about a book called "Seven", mentioning that it was an amazing read (or something... I don't remember her exact phrasing.) Wondering if the two sevens were at all connected, I did what I always do when someone recommends a book - I went to see if my secret lover (known in some circles as "library") had it. Well, my lover had it, but had loaned it to someone else. I asked very nicely if I could borrow it next, and my lover agreed. Then I promptly forgot about it.

A couple weeks ago, my lover sent me an email informing me that the book had been returned, and I could borrow it. During our regularly scheduled date, I picked up the book, put it on my shelf, and ignored it for other things I was reading. When it came time to pick a new book to read, I chose it because it seemed the most likely to stay open in my lap while I knit/crochet. The first night, I cozied up to it with knitting project in hand, and started reading. I have been hooked since.

The book is about a woman's experiment in severing earthly attachment. For 10 months she challenged herself to minimize. She focused on one area a month (taking two weeks off between each month): food, clothes, possessions, media, waste, spending, stress. For food, she ate a diet limited to 7 foods. For clothes, she allowed herself a wardrobe of seven items (not including bras, socks and undies). For possessions, she pledged to get rid of 7 things a day (but far exceeded her goal). You get the idea.

Sometimes she undertook the challenges with only her husband. Sometimes her kids were in on it. Sometimes her friends did the same or related challenges.

Even if you have no religious affiliation, or align with a different religious group than the author, the realizations she comes to about her life and attachment can resonate. The concept of a global movement as she envisions it is compelling. And if nothing else, she tells some really touching stories.

Next time you are looking for something to read, I highly recommend Seven by Jen Hatmaker.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Blanket Project Thursday - Week 5

In case you aren't aware, I am in love with this blanket. And it isn't even a blanket yet! Every time I pick it up to work on it, I get all happy. Ready to see how it is coming along? I know you are!

You can see almost all the squares in this picture. It is now only in 3 pieces. Next week, it will be only two pieces. I finished the cabled socks, so I will be making a big square out of that! Yay! I am working away on the socks for me - I'd like to finish them up next week at the latest.

Squares made: 36/776

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Weekly Check-In

Hi Sunday!

Blog Stuff: This week feels like a baking week. Are you ready for some recipes?

New from the babies: Mara turned two on Friday. I disapprove. She received a doll today, and she has been carrying it all over. I suspect it will be like her other dolls - she plays with them for a few days, and then cars become way cooler.


Crafty things:
I made an owl for the Nerd Wars Intellectual Challenge. This owl is actually for Mer.

I also finished a book scarf for a barter:
It is double knit, with the gryffindor symbol.

I also started two pairs of socks, and a cat bed, all Nerd Wars related.

I finished reading "50 Shades Darker" by E.L. James. I am still not sure if I like the series; I don't think it is particularly well written, but is is definitely easy to read. The characters seem more like people in this book, and less like caricatures. I recommend the first two books in the trilogy for fluff reading.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Saturday Seven - Week 7

I knew there would come a week when finding seven things just wasn't going to happen. This is that week. This week, my count is 5, and I have no picture.

When I cleaned off the bookshelf, I found 2 V.C. Andrews books I am never going to read. I asked Mandi if she wanted them. She said yes. The books are now sitting in my "to Michigan" box. While technically not out of my house, everything that has previously been put in a "to Michigan" box has made the trip. I will count things going into the box the same way I count things going into the donation bag. (2 things)

I cleaned my room and found a purple fleece hat. I'm not sure where it came from, but it is now in the "to Michigan" box for Mandi. (1 thing)

Becka and Chris came over yesterday. I cut Becka's hair, but didn't get to Chris's hair. Instead, I sent the clippers home with them. I got the clippers a few years ago, and used them for a few months, but they have been sitting in the linen closet since we moved into this place over a year ago. (1 thing)

I found another stuffed penguin to go in the donation bag. (1 thing)

This week: 5 things
Total: 86 things

Friday, October 5, 2012

Where books and crafts collide - in a bad way

There comes a day when the book shelf you kind of use as a catch all for... life... just can't take it anymore. Today is that day for bookshelf 1 of 4 in my living room. This was the very last bookshelf I put together, so it got all the random books that didn't have a place on the other shelves, and over the past several months, I started using the top shelf for my sewing stuff because my sewing machine lives on top of the bookshelf. A lot of random fabrics and yarns, etc, have made their way onto the shelf. I looked at it today, and decided I couldn't take this eyesore any longer.

 This is the stuff that I pulled from the top shelf before I snapped the above photo:

As you can see, books and crafts were stacked willy-nilly, and it made touching anything on the shelf a gamble. I did what I needed to, in order to clean a mess that had outgrown its space - I made a bigger mess. I took everything off the shelves and piled books and craft implements on the dining table and a coffee table. I wiped down the shelves, then started organizing. I set all the stuff that needed to go upstairs in one pile, and made a pile of the fabrics that I am not currently using so they could go downstairs. I decided to keep the top two shelves for crafting, and for my library books so they have somewhere to live. The next two shelves are for books I want to keep. The bottom shelf is books I plan to get rid of.

 Even though the other three bookshelves are in various stages of disaster, having this one nice and tidy makes me feel awesome. Maybe even awesome enough to tackle the other shelves in the next week...

Gabriel thinks the shelf looks awesome, too.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Blanket Project Thursday - Week 4

I started two pairs of socks this week - one for my mom, and my first ever pair for me! The first sock for my mom is about half done. This is as far as I got last night:

You probably recognize the yarn from last week's post. I decided to go with cables after all, and am using the Simply Ginny Socks! pattern by Anna Peck Maliszewski. I decided to modify the pattern to have an afterthought heel because of the gorgeous stripes. This will be my first attempt at this type of heel. Wish me luck!

I've barely started the socks for me:

They are going to be helical stripe socks, which is mostly mindless knitting. I think I am going to sit them next to my computer downstairs for when I am waiting to load into WoW. (Yes, the game has lured me back with its promise of pokemon-type things, and the ability to play as a panda race.)

I used the lighter blue color in the blanket already - it is the big square for the week. I was going to use the skew sock yarn to make a big square, but then I loved the blues and greens too much to wait. I will use the skew yarn next week.

I did use the skew yarn and scrap pieces to make a small square, though.

Squares made: 29/776

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sewing Responsibilities

During our weekly library trip yesterday, I sat down and made a list of all the birthday/holiday gifts I still have to make. I was surprised at how short the list was - I have already finished gifts for many of the people I am making things for. This is because many of the pieces are knit or crochet, and easy to take on the go. Guess what my list consists of now. 

Did you guess sewing? You are right! Between now and the holidays, I plan to sew pajamas for my sister's three kids, a unicorn shirt for my niece for her birthday, and a quilt for Steve (started, but still a lot of work to go). It sounds like so little - only for projects. But looking at the list, I find it daunting. 

Since yesterday was Tuesday, and I try really hard to pull down my sewing machine every Tuesday, I started the shirt for my niece because that needs to be sent out in the next couple weeks. This is as far as I got:

The shirt is made from an old shirt of mine. The horn is cut from one of my niece's old shirts, the mane is from an old sleeping gown of Mara's, and the head is from a receiving blanket that got a hole in it. I am trying to decide if I want to put on sleeves, or make it cap sleeved, or just finish the neck and arm holes in a contrasting fabric. Also, should there be an eye? What about a nostril? Input would be much appreciated.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weekly Check-In

Hi Sunday! So many good things happen at midnight, I am having a hard time waiting!

Blog Stuff: This owl giveaway week was really fun. I will be closing the giveaway at midnight (or when I wake up, if I fall asleep first). I'll draw names tomorrow, and get in touch with winners. I got a lot of interest for the owls. Stay tuned for more owly goodness.

New from the babies: Gabriel is still potty training. I know *shakes head*. Anyway, today while I was at knitting, he pulled his diaper-thing to the side and peed on the floor by the shoe rack. Steve saw him do it, and was like "Gabriel, what are you doing?!?!??!" Gabriel pointed and said "Look, dog peed." As if we couldn't tell the difference between boy pee and dog pee. I have to admit, when Steve called me and told me I got many strange looks from the other people in the Barnes and Noble cafe because I nearly peed my pants laughing.

Mara has decided she cannot possible be awake without shoes on. First thing when she wakes up, she grabs her shoes and makes me put them on her. I am sure she would sleep in them if I would let her, but they have miniature spikies on the bottom (for advanced grip to prevent clumsy toddlers from dying) which hurt when she kicks. I get kicked a lot when she wakes up with nightmares.

Crafty things:
Nerd Wars starts tomorrow!!! (Which is really only an hour a way right now!!!!) So I was really good, and only started one new project. Other than this Cthulhu and the owls, I only worked on WIPs.

I managed to finish two of them! Both of the pairs of socks I had on the needles are done! This is good, because I need those needles to make two pairs of socks in October for Nerd Wars.

Still no CAL sqaures. I know, I need to work on them. I have been unmotivated for squares, though. I will try to get motivated. And I have a concrete plan for my niece's shirt/dress (dependent on the fabric I end up going with for the base), so that WILL happen this week. I will probably CO some socks tomorrow, too. And maybe the owl my best friend asked me for.

I finished reading "The Waters and the Wild" by Francesca Lia Block. Ah-may-zing! This had her stylist touch that I missed from''Pink Smog". The lines between reality and imagination were blurred in the best possible way. At only 128 pages, it is a super quick read, but worth the time. Yes, I know it is a 7-9 grade reading level book, but I will never stop loving the words that fall out of Block's head. Really, if I could crawl in her head for a week long vacation, I would. Any longer, and I would probably go insane. 

I also finished The Twisted Sisters Knit Sweaters by Lynne Vogel. A lot of the information went over my head. I think this book will make more sense to me once I actually make a sweater. I don't have yarn to make a sweater yet, but one day...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Saturday Seven - Week 6

Last week, my friend Katie bemoaned the cost of maternity clothes on her facebook. Who can afford to buy a whole new wardrobe for herself that she will wear for less than a year, when also facing the looming costs of a newborn? I couldn't; I put off getting maternity jeans until I was 6 months along with Gabriel, and I lucked out with being gifted a handful of shirts and a dress I really loved. A friend of my sister's had her baby a couple months before I had Gabriel, and she lost her baby weight super quick, so she gave me her old stuff. A lot of it I have never worn. Whenever someone I know gets pregnant, I offer to let them sift through the baby clothes I have, and I set out my maternity clothes bin for them to look through, too.

Katie lives too far away for me to just drive over with some boxes, so I took pictures of all the clothes I had, and put them up on photobucket*. Katie looked through and picked out 7 pieces. Just like that, my Saturday Seven was done. (7 things)

This morning, I started cleaning my room and came across a few things to put in the donation bag:
A pair of khakis I will never wear, a purple crushed velvet-type shirt that I will never wear, two t-shirts that I bought when I was pregnant with Mara that don't fit me anymore, but aren't maternity shirts, and a stuffed Stitch. (5 things)

This week: 12 things
Total: 81 things

*If you or someone you know is looking for inexpensive maternity clothes, I still have 20 items. You can look through them here, and have whatever you want for $2 for the first item and $1 each for additional items for postage, or free if you come pick them up from me.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Blanket Project Thursday - Week 3

Only three weeks in, and I have made a square out of every color of leftover sock yarn I have. Expect the sample skein (10 yards) I have, but I plan on adding that this coming week. I really love this project, and it is hard to keep myself to a strict one square a day. I want to just sit and knit up the blanket, but I don't have enough leftovers yet. 

I finished a pair of socks this week, so the leftovers have been added to the basket. 

I knew I wasn't going to use the entire skein, so I made a square with it last week. I am trying to decide if I want to let myself start the helical socks, or force myself to wait until the October 1 to cast anything on. If I wait, I can maybe use the project for Nerd Wars. If I decide to wait, I will work on the skew socks. I think the skew sock yarn would make a great addition to the blanket.

I picked out the yarn I want to use for the Personal Sock Yarn Club in October. I am going to look through my sock book and at my ravelry queue to find a pattern. I am considering cables, but I'm not sure - I haven't done a cabled project yet.

I went to Joanne's because someone told me they were having a sale on sock yarn; I must have missed it. I was a little disappointed. I would like more sock yarn for the time between PSYC socks. Maybe my boyfriend got me a spot in the Ewereka yarn club?

Squares made: 22/776