Thursday, July 18, 2013

Tour de Fleece 2013

Tour de Fleece is a spin-a-long that occurs at the same time as le Tour de France. The idea is to spin every day the cyclists ride. This year, the tour started Saturday, June 29 and rides until Sunday, July 21, 2012. There were two rest days - Monday, July 8 and Monday, July 15. Today, July 18, is the challenge day. It is possible to be a part of a team, and you set your own goal for the ride. 

My goals:
-Spin at least 15 minutes a day on my superwash merino that I want to eventually spin into a 3-ply yarn for socks.
-Spin at least 15 minutes a day on another spinning project.

The superwash merino was a WIP coming into the Tour. I had one complete turtle/cop and had started a second. As of yesterday, I have made a very decent start on the third.

For the second goal, I picked out a few things from my fiber stash:
I wanted to finish up the second part of a green BFL (~2 oz), then start the 3.4 oz of blue Peruvian wool, and play with the brown wool in conjunction with the colorful locks for challenge day because I've never worked with locks before.

I finished the green (bottom skein). It is about 110 yards of sport/dk, 2 ply. I sent it off to my friend Josh. He should get it in the mail today. The top skein I am keeping for myself.

The blue is finished, as well. I set is as a single, and plan to send it to my friend Hayley. It was ~182 before washing.
Pre-wash. Look at all that extra twist!
Hanging to dry - pretty balanced now

Finished skein
 Today I am going to start playing with the brown and the locks. I'm not sure how much of it I will spin, or what it will look like, but I am excited to try something new!

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