Monday, August 19, 2013

How to: make a top whorl drop spindle

Maybe you want to make a drop spindle, but you don't want to make a Turkish. If you have a knitting needle and some cardboard, you can make a spindle in about 2 minutes.

You will need:
A straight knitting needle
An empty cereal (cracker, pasta, etc) box
A scrap length of yarn (not pictured)
Some fiber so spin


Markers, crayons, paint, etc.

How to:
1. Cut out the back of the box. Cut the resulting rectangle in half to create two short, wide rectangles. Stack the rectangles.
2. Using the ruler, determine the length of the rectangle. Mark the width to be the same as the length. Cut off the excess.
3. Find the center of the resulting square. Push your knitting needle through the center point of both squares.

Ta da! You have a functional top whorl drop spindle! To use, attach yarn to the shaft below the whorl. Bring the strand over the whorl and use a half hitch to anchor it below the knob on the straight needle. Attach the yarn to the fiber and start spinning!

Optional prettiness:
4. Turn the top square so it is a diamond on top of the bottom square. Glue in place.
5. Once the glue is dry, decorate!

Wondering how well this spindle work? About this well.

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